Thursday, January 24, 2013

Quick Lens Creation

So as I was surfing around looking for lenses to bless today, I came across a new Squidoo ebook - Squick Money: 15-Minute Squidoo System, written by Squidoo veteran Britt Malka. I have not yet bought the book as I have already spent the money I budgeted for educational materials for the month. I may very well purchase it next month though.

I was intrigued enough though that I went looking for reviews for it. I found a couple and they both linked to sample lenses. Both lenses followed the same format and used the same modules. Basically this is a method where you use the same template to churn out quick sales lenses. You are testing the waters, so to speak, with these quick lenses. Then if they show promise, you can go back and beef them up with more content. If they don't pan out, then you are only out 15 minutes of your time.

If you are a giant squid, you can set up a template to have all these modules ready for you when you start a lens. I hadn't made use of the templates before, but I decided to go ahead and do one for this.

The lens I made using this quick method is Hidden Book Safe.  It took me about 30 minutes, but considering I typically take 3-4 hours making a lens, that is a great improvement.  There's not a lot of content, by my standards.  However, I am looking at it as a test.  If it ranks in Google and starts picking up traffic, then I will definitely go back and add more content to it.  If not, then it will sit.  This method actually is probably great to use to create starter lenses to sell.  I know there are a lot of people who make good money doing that.

I am looking forward to seeing how the lens does.  I will write a full review on the Squick Kindle book next month after I purchase it.

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